How to choose an Annatto Shepherd Dog? When choosing a dog, you generally choose based on the dog’s physical characteristics. When buying a dog, you can take a knowledgeable person with you, so that you can avoid being cheated. The Annatto Shepherd Dog is relatively large and well proportioned. Below, the editor will take you to understand the physical characteristics of the Annato Shepherd Dog. Remember to pay attention to it when buying a dog.

 How to choose an Anatomy Shepherd Dog based on Choose based on body characteristics

Body shape

Generally speaking, symmetry of body structure is much more important than size. Male dogs are 29 inches tall at the withers, weigh between 110 and 150 pounds, and are well proportioned and well built. The female dog is approximately 27 inches tall at the withers, weighs between 80 and 120 pounds, and is well proportioned and well built. Neither male nor female dogs should appear obese, and the body proportions of both sexes should be rectangular. This standard applies to dogs over 2 years old.


Expression: Looks very smart.

Eyes: Medium in size, set widely apart, almond-shaped, ranging in color from dark brown to light amber. Blue eyes or eyes of different colors are disqualifying. The eye circles are black or brown, and the eyelids are not loose or droopy. Lack of pigment is a serious fault.

Ears: should be positioned higher than the top of the head. The ears are V-shaped, with rounded tips, and are about 4 to 6 inches long. The length of the tip of the ear should fall just to the outer corner of the eye. Ears should be floppy; prick ears are a disqualification.

Skull: Large, but in proportion to the body. There is slight wrinkling in the midline, from front to back and from stop to back of skull. Male dogs are wider than female dogs.

Muzzle: It is darker, and the male dog’s muzzle is stronger. No matter the male dog or the female dog, there should be no rough head and muzzle.

Nose: The nose and lips must be black or brown. Seasonal fading is allowed. Lack of pigment is a serious fault. The upper lip is moderately compact but sufficient to give the appearance of a "rectangular" muzzle.

Anatu Shepherd Dog Teeth: Teeth and gums are strong and healthy. A scissors bite is ideal, but a pincer bite is also acceptable. Broken teeth are not treated as defects. Overshot or undershot bites and twisted bites are disqualifications. .

Neck, topline, body

The neck is slightly curved, strong and muscular, medium in length, and has more fur on the neck than on the body, resulting in a Protective fur collar. The larynx should not be droopy or overly exaggerated. The topline should remain straight when walking. Strong back and musclesThe meat is well developed and very straight, with the withers set back and the length from the waist to the waist slightly arcing downward and toward the buttocks. The body proportions are appropriate and there is nothing exaggerated. Never fat or soft. Chest deep (to the elbows), well sprung and well defined from the waist. The tail is long, extending to the hock. The base of the tail is high. When feeding, the tail hangs naturally and the tip of the tail is rolled upward. When alert, the tail is raised upward and "twirled" continuously. During walking, sag or "spin" is allowed. "Spinning" is ideal, the tail does not necessarily have to be fully extended.


Shoulders should be muscular and well extended, with shoulder blades long, broad and sloping. The elbows turn neither outward nor inward. The forelimbs are relatively long, with sufficient bone mass, straight front legs, and strong ankles. The feet are strong and compact, with the toes arched, giving the feet an oval shape. The toenails are short and thick, and the pads of the feet are thick and tough. Dewclaws may have been removed.

The Annatoan Shepherd Dog hindquarters

are strong, with wide thighs and plenty of muscle. The stifles are well angled and the hocks are in good proportion to the hindquarters. Viewed from behind, the legs are parallel to each other. The feet are strong and compact, with the toes arched, giving the feet an oval shape. Double dewclaws may be present, and the dewclaws may have been removed.


Coat ranges from short (about 1 inch long, not dense) to thick and loose (about 4 inches long), neck hair and mane Longer and thicker. Thick undercoat is found on all parts of the body. There is feathering on the edges of the ears, legs, rump and tail.


Any color and markings are acceptable.


When walking quickly, the gait appears powerful, powerful and smooth. Viewed from the front or rear, the legs remain upright, neither bent in nor outward, nor do the feet cross or interfere with each other. As the speed increases, the feet will draw closer to the center line of the body. Viewed from the side, the forelegs should reach out smoothly, with the withers and topline almost perfectly straight, with only a slight rise and fall. The structure of the hind legs ensures smooth driving and free hock extension.


Alert and intelligent, calm and cautious. Protective by nature, he is brave and highly adaptable. He is very loyal. Born with a strong sense of territorial protection. He will be reserved with strangers, but if they are strangers but outside his territory, it is not a big problem. This breed does not usually react lively. Too much dominance is also a flaw.


Blue eyes or eyes of different colors, erect ears, overshot bite or undershot bite, and twisted bite.


