Burmese ratite turtle
The Burmese ratite

The Burmese ratite is a subspecies of the eagle-billed turtle , similar in appearance to the Chinese subspecies, the carapace is not large, and it is an ordinary water turtle species. There are no markings on the carapace, and the head cannot be retracted into the shell. Therefore, this turtle species has changed its habit of hiding from natural enemies. Myanmar Ratite turtles are typical examples of those who like to fight back automatically.

The maximum nail length of the Burmese ratite turtle is about 20 cm. The head is large and triangular in shape, and the back of the head is covered with a large horny hard shell. The upper beak is hooked in the shape of an olecranon, the eyes are large, and there are no external ears. Because the head is so large that it cannot hide inside the tortoise shell, it is mainly protected by a pocket-shaped scale. The upper jaw is shaped like a raptor's mouth, with a huge hook shape. The carapace is flat, tan, long oval with a flat center, and no teeth on the front and rear edges. The plastron is olive-colored, small and flat. The back and ventral carapace are also connected by tenacity. The hands and feet are gray with tile-like scales and semi-webbed fingers and toes.

The Burmese ratite turtle has dark web-like rough lines along the edge of its plastron. There is an obvious keel in the center of the carapace, and there are less obvious keels on both sides of the body. The growth rings on the carapace are not visible but are very clear, and the rear edge of the carapace is serrated. There are no markings on the jaw, and there is a particularly developed hook-shaped upper jaw. In addition, there are black band-like stripes behind the eyes. The tail is long, and the tail of some turtles is longer than the length of their own carapace. The tail is covered with short ring-shaped scales. The turtle's head, tail, hands and feet cannot be retracted into the plastron. Because the plastron is small, it does not hinder the movement of its hands and feet.

