Shape characteristics of Genghis Khan fish
Genghis Khan fish (confirmed introduction)

Raising Genghis Khan fish is not difficult because Genghis Khan fish are healthy and strong in size, so they are not prone to getting sick during their breeding. Genghis Khan fish adults are very long, so you need to prepare a larger aquarium when raising them. There are also many aquarists who do not understand the difference between Genghis Khan fish and blue shark because the two fish are very similar.

The Genghis Khan fish is more than one meter long. Its distinctive feature is its tall dorsal fin (the first spine of the dorsal fin is particularly long). It has a powerful body, swims very fast, and has a very welcoming mouth. It needs a lot of water to support it. Care should be taken when raising animals in mixed cultures, as animals with different sizes will be devoured by each other. Genghis Khan fish is mainly distributed in the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins in Asia, and its growth method is oviparous.

