How to choose a Bichon Frize? The purebred Bichon Frize has a well-proportioned body shape, with a height of about 24.13 cm to 29.21 cm. The position of the ears is slightly higher than the eyes. The eyes are round, and the best eye color is black or dark brown. The pace of running should be brisk and powerful, and the back should be straight and stable.

How to choose a Bichon Frize 1

 1. Body shape characteristics

Generally speaking, if it is a purebred Bichon Frize, their body size is very uniform, and the height of a purebred Bichon Frize is probably between 9.5 feet and 11.5 feet, which is about Between 24.13 cm and 29.21 cm, it generally does not exceed the range of 9 to 12 feet.

 2. Head characteristics

The ears are droopy and hidden in long, vibrating hair. The ears are slightly higher than the eyes and relatively forward. The eyes of a purebred Bichon Frize are round and in the front of the head; the best eye color is black or dark brown, and there is a circle of black or brown skin surrounding the Bichon Frize's small round eyes. Oversized or overprotruding eyes, almond-shaped eyes, and slanted eyes are not consistent with purebred standards. The ratio of breath to skull length is very even. The dark lips are refined but not droopy.

 3. Pace characteristics

Judging from the behavior of the Bichon Frize, the traditional Bichon Frize running action is accurate, light and stretched. Viewed from the side, the stretching movements of the front legs and hind legs must cooperate with each other, and the forequarters are stretched and light. The rear drive starts powerfully, the back is maintained and firm, and there is a smooth distance between the hind legs no matter what time it is.

 4. Hair characteristics

If it is a purebred Bichon Frize, then their hair should be very soft and elastic. The quality of the coat is also one of the key criteria to evaluate whether the Bichon Frize is purebred, especially the Bichon Frize. After bathing or brushing, if the coat stands on the body, it will basically produce a puff effect. At the same time, purebred Bichon Frize dogs have soft, very thick undercoat, and a slightly curved outer coat. It is thick and hard, and at the same time, when the owner touches it, the combination of the two different hairs will give people a soft and firm feeling.