How to judge whether a Whippet is pure or not? An adult Whippet dog should be 48.26-55.88cm tall, with a shoulder height of 45.72-53.34cm, and the height should not exceed 1.5 inches; the Whippet's appearance is elegant and even, with well-developed muscles, healthy and powerful , with a streamlined body shape; the whippet has a long and slanted head, a long neck, no fat on the throat, a long tail, and a thin top.

The ideal adult Whippet height at the withers should be between 48.26-55.88cm; the ideal dog height at the withers should be between 45.72-53.34cm. Any shortcomings exceeding 1.5 inches on the left and right sides are disqualifying. In the past, the distance from chest to buttocks was equal to or slightly greater than shoulder height, and the bone mass was average.

The Whippet is a medium-sized sighthound with a graceful and even appearance, showing speed, strength and stability, but without roughness. A truly athletic hound can cover the greatest distance with the least amount of movement. The image given to people is beautiful and coordinated, with well-developed muscles, healthy and powerful, and the shape is extremely elegant and beautiful. The streamlined body is a requirement for speed. Appearance is uniform, muscular and powerful; all his structure is geared to speed and work, and all exaggeration must be removed.

How does Whippet see purity and impurity

The Whippet has a long and slanted head, a fairly wide space between the ears, an almost invisible stop, and white and thick teeth. Overbiting and underbiting are disqualifying. An overshot bite is also a disqualification if the upper jaw exceeds 1/4 inch or more. The neck is long, clean, muscular, well-arched, with no fat on the throat, gradually widening and blending into the upper end of the shoulder blades. A short, thick neck or sheep's neck is a fault. The back is broad, strong, muscular, and longer than the loin. The topline starts from the withers and forms a smooth, beautiful and natural arch extending from the loin to the buttocks; the arch is continuous without breaks. Falling behind the shoulder blades, a sunken back, a flat back, and steep or flat hips are all faults. The tail is long and tapered at the tip, extending to the hocks as it hangs between the hind legs. When he is active, the tail is carried low and slightly forward; the tail should not be carried higher than the back.

The Whippet's coat is short, close, smooth, and brittle and hard in quality. All other coats are disqualifying. Old scars left at work or caused accidentally should not be ignored in competition. The expression is irrelevant.

The Whippet's gait is short, stretched and smooth, with ample forequarters and strong hindquarters. Viewed from the side, his movements are very relaxed; his forelimbs approach the ground when stretched forward, developing a long, short gait; his hindquarters generate strong propulsion. When he bids farewell or looks from the other side, the legs neither turn in nor turn out, the feet neither weave nor interfere with each other.